Spring Cleaning and Storage

Spring cleaning is one of those things you either love or hate. Instead of seeing it as a hassle, view it as an opportunity to get rid of unnecessary things and get your life more organized. It's a great time to dig through your stuff and find property that would be better off being stored in a self-storage unit.

Start with the Garage

One of the worst impulses is to stack everything into the garage. It's an easy solution, but it doesn't really solve your clutter problems. Things you don't want in your home don't always belong in the garage either. Use your garage for storing anything you need regular access to but wouldn't be appropriate in a living area. Volatile substances or common tools are excellent candidates.

Don't start a pile of seasonal things or old furniture you just can't let go of. Put these straight into your storage unit to free up some space. You'll only need them once in a while, and you'll be better able to utilize the garage space for things you need now. Your garage will also have large variations in temperature throughout the year. Consider putting sensitive items into a temperature-controlled storage unit to properly preserve and care for your property.

What's in your Closet?

Even the most organized closet has plenty of unnecessary things stashed on the floor or shelves. Cramming in every article of clothing you own can actually damage certain materials or vintage clothing. You probably also have plenty of shoes or seasonal clothing you just aren't using anymore.

Separate out all items you want to preserve over a long period of time or things you only use a few times a year. Heavy winter jackets, Halloween costumes, or family heirlooms can be better stored in your storage unit. You'll free up space in your closet for your next shopping spree!

Basement Storage

Not everything should be stored in your basement. Pests and moisture can creep in without being detected for an extremely long time. Irreversible damage will result, and it all could've been prevented by proper storage in your self-storage unit. You can't predict extreme weather or disasters like floods. Water works its way straight to your basement, and you won't have time to get all that stuff out of harm's way. Anything you can't live without would do better with the protection offered by a storage unit.